Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Preparing Your Personal ARK

As General Conference approaches I find myself looking back at past talks and evaluating myself.  "Did I follow that council, or did I let another 6 months go by saying along the way "I will do it another day"?
The council we hear so often, but that seems to be so hard to follow is Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness.
How big a task this all seems.  But I assure you that it is easier than you think.
I was one of those that sat around saying "I will do it another day", and "I don't have enough money".  I was WRONG!
I didn't do it another day, and if you have Faith and follow the council it all somehow seems to work out.
Take small steps.  Line upon line.  You will be amazed.
It is up to us to Prepare our own ARK.  We can not sit by relying on our neighbors to save us when the "rain" comes.  If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.
This weekend is conference!  It comes every six months!  We need to rotate our water every six months.  What better time than now.  Conference can be your reminder.  So if you have your water storage
If you don't START NOW.
Here are some links to get you started. 
Just a side note...I have several EMPTY plastic juice bottles (the 64 oz containers) I have intended to fill for a year now.  My promise to myself, my family and you is that...I WILL FILL THEM THIS WEEKEND!

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