I am posting a few small Halloween ideas to get caught back up. The picture quality is very poor. I promise these are super cut in person.
First few ideas are with pipe cleaners and pom-poms!
Soda Topper!
First cut 3 black pipe cleaners in half and glue them to the pop lid.
Next glue a pom-pom on top of the legs and add eyes and a nose!
It was that easy!
My 2 and 4 year old have been bugging me for a few days to let them drink the pop. It was really funny to see them a bit nervous to even go near the soda!
Chair Decoration!
To make this very simple Chair decoration take your pom-pom and glue a pipe cleaner to the top and bottom. Now glue on the eyes and nose.
Twist the top pipe cleaner around a pencil and slip the pencil out. I glued a small pom-pom to the top.
Now just twist the bottom pom-pom around your chair! This one is a witch, but you can also do the spiders we made above!
(Yes I do have an orange wall and black chairs! What can I say, I have Halloween blood running through my veins!)
Napkin Rings!
(also cute if you wrap around a party invitation)
If you can make the spider or chair decoration, you already can make this!
Just make as directed above and wrap around a napkin, invitation, visiting teaching message or just about anything!
Make your witch or spider as we did above and cut off about 3/4 of the bottom pipe cleaner.
Wrap the smaller end around the top of a large paperclip!
You can use this as a bookmark, to decorate a lunch sack or use as you would with any paperclip!